Biblical Generosity: Idols and Finances

Biblical Generosity

On Sunday Matt preached on the things that get in the way of us being generous people.  One of the tools he touched on was diagnosing heart idols.  Not having a budget, poor spending habits, debt, etc. are certainly things that can get in the way of generosity.  Before tackling these issues it is important to address things that could be going on under the surface and causing these things.  This is where heart idols come in.  See Romans 1.

The four main idols are comfort, approval, control, and power. Look at the components of each idol – where it is found, the price those who struggle with it are willing to pay, the greatest nightmare those who struggle with it face, the way they make others feel, and the most difficult emotion that drives their behavior – and evaluate which idol you struggle with most.

Idols Chart

Here are some questions to help uncover idols:

  • What am I preoccupied with? What is the first thing on my mind in the morning and the last thing on my mind at night?

  • How would I answer the question: “If only ________, then I would be happy, fulfilled, and secure”?

  • What do I want to preserve or to avoid at all costs?

  • Where do I put my trust?

  • What do I fear most?

  • What do I worry about most?

  • What makes me feel the most self worth?

  • What do I comfort myself with when things go bad or not the way I planned?

  • When a certain desire is not met, do I feel frustration, anxiety, resentment, bitterness, anger, or depression?

  • Is there something I desire so much that I am willing to disappoint or hurt others in order to have it?

  • How are you judging those who do not meet your desires? Are you feeling indignation, condemnation, bitterness, resentment, or anger?

  • How are you punishing those who do not meet your desires?

* The heart idols chart and questions have been adapted from the writings of David Powlison and Tim Keller


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Biblical Generosity