Gospel Communities

Gospel Communities are the central rhythm and heartbeat of Providence Road. A Gospel Community (GC) is a group of people who have been and are being transformed by the gospel.

Our Gospel Communities typically have three main rhythms – all-family gatherings, discipleship groups, and missional third-places. Within these rhythms, GCs are a vehicle for followers of Jesus to grow as disciples as they live in community, care for one another, and live on mission for Jesus.

As these things are happening, it's our hope that more people are brought into GCs so that we can multiply these gatherings all throughout our city and central Oklahoma. Our hope is that every person who is committed to the Providence Road family and mission will be fully involved in a Gospel Community.


If you're interested in getting plugged into a Gospel Community at Providence Road, simply fill out the interest form below and someone on our staff will contact you soon to help you find a group!