Church Planting

We engage in the mission of God by planting healthy churches.

We believe the local church is God's primary mission strategy to spread His kingdom. The church has a clear biblical mandate to look beyond its own community to the neighborhood, the nation, and the world as a whole; thus, mission is not an optional program in the church but an essential element in the identity of the church. It is a battle with eternal consequences fought in the heavenly realm.

The primary way we fulfill this mission is through the planting of healthy churches that plant churches and the training of their leaders. Healthy churches will put Jesus at the center, as he is the shepherd and leader of the church. Healthy churches will be gospel-centered, and recognize the importance of Christian community and everyday discipleship. They will also recognize the need to be a sending church even in the early stages of planting. Jesus wants the church to be an aircraft carrier, not a cruise ship.

Our aim is that Jesus Christ would be more fully formed in each person through the ministry of those churches. To accomplish this, we will strive to maintain an outward focus and support church plants both financially and through our resources. Some of those resources might be members of Providence Road that are sent to plant new churches in Norman or the other side of the world. Ultimately, we want to develop leaders internally that will plant churches and members that will support those leaders who are sent.

Current Partnerships

Remnant Church
Topeka, Kansas

Montreal, Canada

Kostel Jinak
Olomouc, Czech Republic

Middle East Partnership
Generalized for safety reasons

We aim to maintain partnerships with other like-minded church-planting churches that hope to see the gospel go forth through the continual planting of new, gospel-centered, healthy churches. We regularly pray for these churches and missionaries, we give financially to support their ministries, and we send teams of people at different times throughout the year to help strengthen them and support their on-the-ground efforts.

Short-Term Church Planting Support Teams

If you would like to express interest in being on one of our short-term teams, let us know by filling out this form. We’ve added some general info for each trip in regards to how much you can expect to pay and the time of year we typically visit each area.

  • Montreal | Mid-March // Spring Break ($1,400-$1,600)

  • Czech Republic | July/Aug // Late Summer ($2,400-$2,800)

  • Middle East | Dec/Jan // Winter Break ($2,500-$3,000)

Church Planting Residency/Journeyman Program

Are you interested in planting a church or being on a small team of people that plants a church? Or are you interested in going overseas after college for two years fully funded to serve one of our global partners? Contact us and let us know. We are always on the lookout for new partnerships and raising up new church planters.