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- Ben Schill 3
- Blake Hilgenfeld 56
- Brad Price 1
- Braden Ledebur 1
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- Bryan Padgett 1
- Burke Lewis 3
- Chris Brister 4
- Chris Valencia 2
- Jay Frymire 40
- Jeff Nine 1
- Jeremy Hager 231
- John Riner 1
- Josh Burr 7
- Josh Ehlers 1
- Kenton Brice 7
- Matt Mosier 7
- Nik Ripken 1
- Providence Road Church 57
- Russell Armstrong 4
- Sam Perry, Ph.D. 4
- Shane Kammerer 1
- Topher Noel 5
- Viktor Kouřil 1
- Advent 20
- Baptism 3
- Biblical Generosity 3
- Child Dedication 1
- Christmas Eve 1
- Church Leadership 2
- Confrontation 1
- Core Identities 3
- Core Values 15
- Easter 101
- Election 1
- Equip 1
- Fathers 1
- Genesis 21
- Gospel Formed Relationships 3
- Gratitude 2
- In Christ 6
- John 17 3
- Jonah 10
- Missional Move 4
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- Obedience 1
- Philippians 10
- Politics 1
- Prayer 2
- Psalms 41
- Pursue 3
- Racial Reconciliation 1
- Romans 22
- Sabbatical 1
- Sanctity of Life 1
- Sermon on the Mount 18
- The Lord's Prayer 3
- The Son of Man Came 4
- This Is Us 4
- Trinity 3
- Unity in the Gospel 102
Advent: Good News of Great Joy
A pattern develops in Luke 1-2 each time there is an appearance by an angel or angels. We see a proclamation of good news followed by worship. This pattern repeats itself through the shepherds, the crowds, and ultimately, to all followers of Jesus today.
Advent: Zechariah’s Song
The next thing we see in the Gospel of Luke is Zechariah's song. We look at this song through the lens of hope. How do we remain hopeful when our expectations aren't met? How do we keep going when we are in a season of struggle? In this sermon, we see how Zechariah responds to events in his life with doubt and hope.
Advent: Seeing and Magnifying our Great God
Though the world may tell us to magnify ourselves and make ourselves to be great, the Bible tells a different story. This Sunday, we look at Mary’s song and the life that she lived, observing that what God really desires of us is a humble heart that magnifies Him.